Pros & Cons of Gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass


Deciding whether or not to pursue bariatric surgery is a major decision, and it’s important to understand the different types of surgeries available. This article will cover the two most common types of bariatric surgeries – gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery – so you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Gastric sleeve Surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery involves removing up to 80% of the stomach, leaving behind a tube-shaped portion of the stomach that looks like a banana. This drastically reduces the size of the stomach and causes people to eat less because they feel full faster. Gastric sleeve surgery is a less invasive procedure than gastric bypass, with a shorter recovery time, but it also has some drawbacks. Since part of the stomach is removed permanently, patients may experience nutritional deficiencies over time due to decreased absorption of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, since there are no changes made to how food passes through the digestive system like with gastric bypass, there is a chance that patients could regain weight if they do not adhere to their post-surgery diet and lifestyle changes.

Gastric bypass Surgery

gastric sleeve vs gastric bypass surgery involves both reducing the size of the stomach as well as rerouting part of the small intestine so that food doesn’t pass through certain sections where calories are usually absorbed. This means that fewer calories are absorbed from food, leading to more rapid weight loss than with gastric sleeve surgery alone. The downside is that this procedure is more invasive than gastric sleeve surgery, with a longer recovery time and a higher risk for complications such as infections or blood clots in addition to nutritional deficiencies seen with other bariatric surgeries. Furthermore, because this procedure reroutes food through your digestive system differently than normal, there can be side effects such as nausea or diarrhea after eating certain foods.


Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass are both effective ways to lose weight but come with different pros and cons depending on your individual needs and goals. When deciding which type of bariatric surgery might be best for you, it’s important to speak with an experienced medical professional who can help assess your situation and weigh your options carefully before making any decisions about pursuing either form of weight loss surgery. No matter what type of bariatric surgery you choose – if any – understanding your options will help you make an informed decision about what’s best for you and your health in the long run.